Equipment Donation
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Equipment Donation
We are currently in need of the following equipment for the two-year intensive Saola search. There are five different lists of the type of equipment needed. By donating a gift to any of our equipment lists, you will be supporting the technical team search for Saola in the forest of the Annamite Mountains. By donating, you will help us in the epic search to find one of the rarest mammals on Earth.
The field truck, funded by the Nashville Zoo in 2023, serves as a crucial asset for the Saola Foundation. It facilitates transportation of the team to forest entry points, offers logistical and supply support, and transports personnel between search locations.
List 1 – Field Transport:
Field transport is needed to travel from to and from the main office in Vientiane, the field-based office close to the Saola habitat and search sites. The tractors will help move the field team from site to site where trucks cannot get access and the bikes will be used between the main office in Vientiane to the field based office. These models we plan to obtain to allow such transport to occur. You can help our team travel between each site more smoothly and allow the search to proceed faster.
List 2 – Saola Sample Collection and Data Management:
Data collection is crucial for finding Saola. This list will help us be able to do essential tasks such as storing samples, images, to be able to use technology while in the forest, as well as in the Saola office of Laos. You can help us obtain the critical data collection needed to search for Saola.
List 3 – Camera Trap and Accessories:
Camera trap with camera trap accessories is one of our most needed items. We will be using camera traps to see where Saola may be present in the forests of the Annamite Mountains. If we are able to obtain an image of Saola it will allow us to know that Saola are present in the area and whereabouts they may be. This will help us on the right path to finding and saving Saola. You can help us obtain the camera traps and the camera trap accessories needed to search for Saola.
List 4 – Essential Field Base Equipment:
Sleeping bed, Sleeping pillow,
Blanket, Bed sheet, Fan & Air con
Comfort necessities are needed for the technical team to work in the dense forests of the Annamite Mountains for two-years uninterrupted. This list will allow the team to have increased comfort in the tropical climate. You can help us give our technical team ease when searching in the forest.
List 5 – Essential Field Equipment:
Keeping good hygiene is necessary for the technical team when searching for Saola. This list will help prevent health issues for our technical team and aid the team’s overall wellbeing. You can help us give our technical team the essential items needed for their hygiene on the search.